Fresh memories…

Its lovely red courtyard of small houses, warehouses and barns has gradually arisen over the centuries around the Abbey, to serve the religious community first, and then the agricultural activity, increased by the transformation of Fossanova, around the early 1800s, into an agricultural village and the estate of important families, such as the Braschi, the Polverosi and the Borghese princes.

Over the centuries the buildings have been shelter for travelers, pilgrims and animals, and then residences of princes, popes, abbots and peasant families, who have lived here for generations. But above all it has been and it is, a very loved place, enchanting theater for all of us, who continue to live it thanks to wonderful memories.

In our memory it is still alive the scent of Albino’s oven with its hot loaves and, even earlier, that of the large common oven which in the central square was lit to bake everyone’s bread. It was a festive occasion, just as beating the soapy clothes together on the stone of the old stream.

Next to Albino’s workshop what , in the 1950s, was the midwife’s house and the restoration workshop of antique furniture; further down, in what would later become Pietro’s bar and the joy of the first packaged ice creams, there was the carpenter workshop, and then the store of Maria Antonietta and her tradition of party favors. Under the last arch, the intrepid adventure of the beloved Fiorella who sold fruits and vegetables for a few years.

The beautiful shop Cose di borgo which had dedicated a ceramic, a plate with photos of the time, an antique jewel or a handmade postcard to each corner of Fossanova.

In the restoration workshop of Tina and Gérard, unforgettable precious and melancholic watercolour paintings.

Going up towards the crenellated entrance tower, desired by the Borghese princes between the ‘800 and the ‘900, in the warehouses of the stable, Carlo the coppersmith, worked tirelessly for years … on cauldrons, wings and beautiful copper basins. The acrid smell of metal, fire and polishing acids is still alive in those walls.

Under the “Monterubianesi” canopy Alessandro the blacksmith beat and forged his iron.

Up ahead the bold adventure of the store in the old pantry of Luciano and Elvira Magliozzi.

Many alternations… of activities and inhabitants, everyone has left a deep trace in this place.

La mia famiglia

My great-grandfather, Michelangelo Di Stefano, originally from Pettorano on Gizio, in the province of L’Aquila, in March 1900 bought the Mazzocchio estate in Pontinia, thus investing in the Pontine plain, even before the last reclamation that took place between 1929 and 1935 by the Mussolini government. When he was only 17 years old, he resurrected the difficult fortunes in which the family had fallen following the end of the Papal States, he brought down teams of charcoal burners from Abruzzo and started an activity of deforestation and timber harvesting for the supply of coal and sleepers for the new Italian Kingdom railway lines. Among the many difficulties, malaria took his brother away and the robbers kidnapped his father Pasquale first and then he too. Michelangelo was a visionary and he brought the electrical industry here, providing electricity throughout the territory, and opened a first aid infirmary in the farm.

After several failed attempts at reclamation financed by some popes, it was Mussolini who proceeded with the land reclamation of the Agro Pontino. The first project involved the generalized expropriation of all lands but it was Michelangelo himself to convince Mussolini that the State would have made more economy by leaving the owners the land and the burden of reclaiming it. It was a titanic task, which involved great sacrifice from many entrepreneurs and workers, with an
endless work and 50-year mortgages.
Only in his farm 80 km of ditches were dug by hand to channel the waters and drain the land. Rice was grown and cattle, horses, cows and buffaloes were bred; the buffaloes were the most resistant and efficient in cleaning up the ditches.

That started the adventure of land reclamation and cultivation, of breeding cows and buffaloes.

The love for the countryside and for Fossanova was carried on with passion both by Pasquale, my grandfather, and by his daughters Emanuela and Costanza, both brave entrepreneurs.

The SASIFO, siliceous sand pit and important field for glass production, leaved a trace on the territory too.

The Consalvi brothers, Silvagni, Celani, the Senarighi family and many others worked alongside my family, with transport, enthusiasm and generosity. In 1932, my grandfather transferred the ownership of the Abbey to the Italian State and in 1959 he protected the village and the woods that surround it, obtaining the landscape constraint.

Her daughter, my mother, Emanuela Di Stefano, in 1977 obtained the architectural constraint; we owe to her and to the passion of Margherita Cancellieri and Gianni De Rossi the excavations that brought to light the remains of the Roman baths of the Ith century BC .To her we owe the splendid auditorium of the ancient Infirmary of the converts, ceded free of charge to the Province of Latina to make it a theater of culture and the realization of the beautiful museum dedicated to the
historical reconstruction of Fossanova.

The activities which were born at the turn of the 1960s were promoted by my father, Pierluigi Verga.

That started the adventure of land reclamation and cultivation, of breeding cows and buffaloes.

The love for the countryside and for Fossanova was carried on with passion both by Pasquale, my grandfather, and by his daughters Emanuela and Costanza, both brave entrepreneurs.

The SASIFO, siliceous sand pit and important field for glass production, leaved a trace on the territory too.

The Consalvi brothers, Silvagni, Celani, the Senarighi family and many others worked alongside my family, with transport, enthusiasm and generosity. In 1932, my grandfather transferred the ownership of the Abbey to the Italian State and in 1959 he protected the village and the woods that surround it, obtaining the landscape constraint.

Her daughter, my mother, Emanuela Di Stefano, in 1977 obtained the architectural constraint; we owe to her and to the passion of Margherita Cancellieri and Gianni De Rossi the excavations that brought to light the remains of the Roman baths of the Ith century BC .To her we owe the splendid auditorium of the ancient Infirmary of the converts, ceded free of charge to the Province of Latina to make it a theater of culture and the realization of the beautiful museum dedicated to the
historical reconstruction of Fossanova.

The activities which were born at the turn of the 1960s were promoted by my father, Pierluigi Verga.

The small riding school and the riding club, the restaurant La grancia of Francesco and Daniela Maiola, the restoration, in 1995, of the beautiful wine shop, today Caffè dei Guitti of Vincenza Senarighi, a courageous friend who let herself be conquered by the good taste of simple and well made things.

Amalia is also here with us with her pastry shop that every day magically smells the air of sugar. Famous are her vanilla biscuits and chocolate peaches.

The old Albino’s oven, after several alternations, was restored in 1999 for the project of a farmhouse and the transformation of the wheat from our farm Procoio and it returned to bake pizzas and buns in the kitchen of what has been transformed over the years into what is now the restaurant Il Forno del Procoio. Chefs Alessandro and Donatella in the kitchen, Chiara and Giuseppe at the reception are the strength of this restaurant, with its beautiful garden overlooking the central square.

Going down towards the old entrance, where the monks built the guesthouse for pilgrims, the Medieval museum was opened; it can still be visited today and next to it, under the entrance arch, the beautiful Foresteria, once shelter for men and animals, then also dairy.

The small riding school and the riding club, the restaurant La grancia of Francesco and Daniela Maiola, the restoration, in 1995, of the beautiful wine shop, today Caffè dei Guitti of Vincenza Senarighi, a courageous friend who let herself be conquered by the good taste of simple and well made things.

Amalia is also here with us with her pastry shop that every day magically smells the air of sugar. Famous are her vanilla biscuits and chocolate peaches.

The old Albino’s oven, after several alternations, was restored in 1999 for the project of a farmhouse and the transformation of the wheat from our farm Procoio and it returned to bake pizzas and buns in the kitchen of what has been transformed over the years into what is now the restaurant Il Forno del Procoio. Chefs Alessandro and Donatella in the kitchen, Chiara and Giuseppe at the reception are the strength of this restaurant, with its beautiful garden overlooking the central square.

Going down towards the old entrance, where the monks built the guesthouse for pilgrims, the Medieval museum was opened; it can still be visited today and next to it, under the entrance arch, the beautiful Foresteria, once shelter for men and animals, then also dairy.

Its two beautiful stone halls and the luxuriant garden, were restored in 2000 for events, parties and wedding receptions. It has been the setting for important public and private events and it continues today to welcome any kind of event. It is the reference venue for conferences.

Bordering the Abbey walls, the ancient Infirmary, a magnificent 250-seat auditorium. For years it has been hosting musical seasons with the concerts of the Latina campus and it is a splendid theater for conferences and important events.

A particular and important thanks for what has been done goes to my mother Emanuela, intrepid and original character who magically affected the transformations and the evolutions of Fossanova.

Thanks to our Cencio for his songs on the cart, to Sandrina, Fiorella, Maria and Ada for the love received.

Its two beautiful stone halls and the luxuriant garden, were restored in 2000 for events, parties and wedding receptions. It has been the setting for important public and private events and it continues today to welcome any kind of event. It is the reference venue for conferences.

Bordering the Abbey walls, the ancient Infirmary, a magnificent 250-seat auditorium. For years it has been hosting musical seasons with the concerts of the Latina campus and it is a splendid theater for conferences and important events.

A particular and important thanks for what has been done goes to my mother Emanuela, intrepid and original character who magically affected the transformations and the evolutions of Fossanova.

Thanks to our Cencio for his songs on the cart, to Sandrina, Fiorella, Maria and Ada for the love received.

A small forward-oriented world

Today the Borgo is projected towards the future, faithful guardian of a millennial heritage, and ready to to be more and more a center of attraction and services for those who love beauty, genuine and innovation. The ability to understand where our society is going, how its needs are evolving is the fairest and most respectful way to honor the memory and the teaching of those who preceded us.